
Welcome to AshScraps! Look around & feel free to use any background you like! New Fall backgrounds coming soon!
To apply any background, follow the following steps...
*Sign in to Blogger. This will take you to your Dashboard.
*Under the blog you wish to change the background for, click on Layout.
*You are now in the Add and Arrange Page Elements screen. Click Add a Page Element.
*You are now in the Choose a new Page Element Screen. You'll see where it says HTML/JavaScript. Underneath there, click Add to Blog.
*You are now in the Configure HTML/JavaScript Screen. Under Content you'll see a large box, paste the entire following HTML code in that space.
***Only change the first image link (found under each picture) for the background you want! (not the second link)***

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Twilight Fans-- backgrounds!

These backgrounds were made from Ellie Lash's Designs "Edward" kit. If you are not familiar with the Twilight Series (by Stephanie Mayer), then you need to start reading! I loved the books, but am not too excited about the movie. "Twilight" the movie comes out this month. The Edward they chose just does not cut it for me, in fact... I might become a Jacob fan - OH NO!




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