
Welcome to AshScraps! Look around & feel free to use any background you like! New Fall backgrounds coming soon!
To apply any background, follow the following steps...
*Sign in to Blogger. This will take you to your Dashboard.
*Under the blog you wish to change the background for, click on Layout.
*You are now in the Add and Arrange Page Elements screen. Click Add a Page Element.
*You are now in the Choose a new Page Element Screen. You'll see where it says HTML/JavaScript. Underneath there, click Add to Blog.
*You are now in the Configure HTML/JavaScript Screen. Under Content you'll see a large box, paste the entire following HTML code in that space.
***Only change the first image link (found under each picture) for the background you want! (not the second link)***

Friday, November 21, 2008

Another Book

I have been busy mking another book! Take a look HERE! Seriously peoples, you won't want to miss out on this deal! so sign up today for your free books!

1 People Left Some Love:

tiffany knox said...

I dont really care. I'll email you updated pictures for the header and then it can be similar layout just autumn colors anything is fine. what email do I use? mine is tfrsnfr@yahoo.com let me know what you need.